We are a reformer and mat pilates studio offering group & private classes for every body.

Our goal is to offer a space, a product, and an experience that invite joy, curiosity, and challenge into as many different bodies as possible.

It’s about feeling good in your body whatever that means to you: strong, mobile, not in pain, able to put on your underwear without falling down, emotional well-being. You and you alone determine the value of movement and the approach matches that, rather than the other way around.

Reformer Pilates

The reformer is not nearly as scary as it looks. The moving carriage works with spring tension to add resistance that can both support and challenge your body in movement. It's low impact and an incredible tool for building strength and improving mobility in a gentle way.

Mat Pilates

Our mat classes require nothing but your body and the occasional prop just to keep things interesting. We'll explore things like core strength, breath, spinal mobility, joint mobility, flexibility, and and and ... in a way that invites you to get curious about your own body and how it moves.

introducing your instructors

introducing your instructors

Meaghan [she/her]

Founder and co-owner of Moving Just Fine, Meaghan loves getting people moving and in touch with themselves. The details follow. Guaranteed to drop a pun into every class.

Radina [she/her]

Radina is our in-house DJ. Known for her playlists and sunshiny demeanour, her classes are low-key really challenging and high-key really, really fun!

Maura [she/her]

Maura’s teaching is the human embodiment of hot sauce. Don’t be fooled by her classical playlists, she’ll have you discovering muscles you didn’t know you had.

Mylène [she/her]

Co-owner of Moving Just Fine. Queen of setting a perfect ambiance, and full to the brim with grace, compassion & the kind of calm that is delightfully contagious.

Calista [she/her]

Calista has a special knack for setting people up to do things they didn’t think they could do. Her classes are challenging and accessible at once. Mayoress of subtle humour.

Jennifer [she/her]

We dare you to try to get through one of Jennifer’s classes without dancing and singing along to her amazing playlists. In terms of energy, she always brings it.

Gabrielle [she/her]

Gabrielle will guide you to a state of blissful ease and grace through a blend of modalities and movement. She has a quiet confidence that is contagious in the best way.

Natalie [she/her]

Natalie has too many specialties to pick just one, but you can bet your bottom dollar she’ll get you to figure out WHY you like to move and keep you coming back for more!

Maëlle [she/her]

Our resident specificity expert, Maëlle is all about the details. Her classes are functional, interesting, and set you up to be able to do things you didn't think you could do.

Are you a movement teacher looking for a team to collaborate and grow with?

Tell us a little bit more about yourself and we'll reach out to discuss next steps.